
The Body Speaks Out Series

Reoccurring Shoulder Pain

The following is an excerpt from my book (due to debut late 2013) about the reoccurrence of shoulder pain due to a challenging life situation.

Rick gets relieved of shoulder pain

In my first year of practice Rick came in with left shoulder pain that he wanted to get rid of.  I noted during his initial exam that his head was 3 ½ inches forward of his spine, his right shoulder was high, and his left shoulder was really painful.  Because I was in my first year, I didn’t understand that his shoulder pain was linked to something else happening in his life.

After eight weeks of care, Rick’s left shoulder pain went away.  Also at this point, his head had moved from 3 ½ inches forward to 2 ½ inches forward – a significant improvement.  He was very happy with the results, shook my hand, and disappeared for three years.

The correlation between body and life

 Three years later, out of the blue he called my office.  He wanted to come back and get under care again.  Since the time I last saw him, I had begun to observe   correlations between body aches and pains and correlate them to what’s happening in a person’s life.  This time I asked him, “What’s going on in your life?”

He said, “Stress.”  I asked, “What kind of stress?”

He said, “Well, my son is getting married.”

I began questioning him about whether or not he had stress with his son’s fiancé and in-laws, and Rick said they all got along great.  I asked him if money was an issue and he said “no.”  A bit baffled, I asked him what is causing his stress?  He said it was because his ex-wife wanted him to pay for half of the wedding, but he and his family were not invited to the wedding!

Synchronicity reveals the answer

I really didn’t expect this answer, and was a bit shocked as you can imagine.  It led me to ask him what happened three years ago when he first came to see me.  He thought about it for a while and then his eyes got really big. He said, “It’s weird that you asked me that question.  Three years ago, my same son graduated from college, and my ex-wife wanted to throw a graduation party for him.  The craziest thing is that she wanted me to pay for half of the party, and I was not invited!”

The burden of decision

The left side of the body represents female energy (Rick’s ex-wife), and the shoulder pain was a burden he was carrying about not knowing what decision to make.  Three years later, both shoulders were painful because the weight he was carrying was of greater importance due to the fact that his only son was getting married, and he didn’t know what to do.

In the end, Rick finally told her that he’d be happy to pay for half of the wedding, but only if he was going to be there.  The great awareness for me, was that in the three years he went without chiropractic care, his head remained at 2 ½ inches forward and did not return back to 3 ½ inches forward.  It just goes to show that once you become aware and learn of your body’s positioning, it doesn’t forget.

If you can relate or have a story to share, please comment below.  Where have you experienced shoulder pain and what did you find it related to?  There is a benefit in expressing and exchanging our stories. Let’s hear it!


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