A concept expressed by Robert Frost in his poem, The Road Not Taken, “Two roads diverged in a wood,...
Tag Archive for: body-mind
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Wings of Change
, Inspirational Passages, body-mind, breath, chad, chad sato, mind body, perceptions, 0Entering into a new decade evokes the energy of starting afresh and anew. The numbers 2020 appear familiar due...
Roses, Roses, Roses
, Informational Articles, black friday, body-mind, chad, chad sato, ego, mind body, smell the roses, thanksgiving, 0The old saying, “Take time to smell the roses,” is so applicable right now as the holiday season is...
Shadow Self
, Life Experiences, body-mind, chad, chad sato, dark phoenix, emotions, experiences, feelings, marvel, memories, mind body, shadow self, 0I recently watched the movie, Dark Phoenix, a Marvel movie about a mutant woman that experiences a surge of...
Acceptance of What Is
, Informational Articles, acceptance, as good as it gets, body-mind, chad, chad sato, change, habits, jack nicholson, mind body, patterns, 2Knowing that life is in a constant state of flux, many attempt to control their environment, situations, and others....
The Power of Dis-Ease
, Informational Articles, body-mind, chad, chad sato, choice, disease, fear, health, mind body, perception, 0If you take a look at the word dis-ease, it means that you are not in ease or in...
Trick or Treat
, Informational Articles, body-mind, chad, chad sato, challenges, chiropractic, chiropractor, halloween, health, mind body, trick or treat, 0The old playground rhyme, “Trick or Treat give me something good to eat, if you don’t, I don’t care,...
Equal Exchange of Energy
, Inspirational Passages, Spiritual Growth, balance, body-mind, boundaries, chad, chad sato, chiropractic, chiropractor, energy, equal exchange, mind body, relationships, 0Recently I held my Healing Energetics Workshop, which was a great reminder that you are responsible for your perceptions,...
Fear of the Unexpected
, Informational Articles, Spiritual Growth, body-mind, chad, chad sato, fear, future, hurricane, hurricane lane, mind body, unexpected, 0Facing an uncertain future can create havoc and discord for many due to the control factor or rather, the...
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