
Glen came in for a consult with some right shoulder pain. He was a bit shaken up when he read about what I did. Glen thought I was New Age, but I explained that I wasn’t, and that I’m here to help people connect with their own healing energy, not that I put energy into people.

After I explained more, he felt a little better, however, he was very aligned with God and Jesus Christ, and believes that God won’t let anything bad happen to him, so he isn’t afraid of anything.

The right shoulder pain happened four times in Glen’s life. The first time was five years ago. He was shaking out a heavy rug and hurt his shoulder. It was very painful, but he did physical therapy for it, and it eventually went away.

It happened again about a year ago. At that time, he went to see his friend’s shiatsu massage therapist who did some alignments and really worked on the muscle making it feel better.

The third time happened a few months later. Glen wanted to see the same shiatsu therapist, but he wasn’t available, so he saw the therapist’s father. This time it didn’t help as much, but it eventually went away again.

A week and a half ago, he was really tired and slept in an awkward position. When he woke up, he had major pain in the shoulder. He was pushing on the spot that the shiatsu therapist worked on, which helped a little, but the pain was still there.

I asked Glen, “Is there anything going on in your life? Do you have any stress?”

Glen said, “No.”

“What was going on five years ago when it first happened?”

“There was something going on that has to do with my brother but I’m not going to tell you what happened.”

“It’s okay, you don’t need to tell me the details. As long as you recognize that there was something going on. What was going on in your life during the time it came back, and the shiatsu therapist worked on it?”

“There was some stuff going on then too.”

He was starting to see the link, and asked, “Are you telling me that there’s stuff going on in our lives that are causing the pain?”

“Yes, and until you bring balance to whatever that incident was with your brother…”

He cut me off, and said, “That incident is done. I forgave him.”

“Really? Why is the same pain coming up again?”

Glen couldn’t answer. I told him, “I’m not here to fix you, I’m here to help you connect with your own body, and you’ll learn strategies to help you address whatever it is that you need to address.”

“Are you saying that you’re willing to do this and lose business?”

“I’m not going to lose business. I’d rather empower people than have them become dependent on me and have them think I’m going to fix them.”

“Okay, let’s try it.”

I learned that the reason Glen was so freaked out about New Age was because of how he was looking down on his sister.

His sister brought her son (Glen’s nephew) to a New Age healer because he had a hole in his throat area. After seeing the healer, the hole closed up and everything seemed great. The sister, her husband, and son moved to Australia, and the hole opened up again. The family panicked because there weren’t any New Age healers to turn to there.

Glen’s sister ended up bringing her son to a medical doctor who says that it was a good thing the hole opened up because there were all kinds of nasty stuff underneath that’s been spreading like a tumor. Miraculously the boy was saved by Western medicine, and this caused Glen to link New Age with evilness.

If you can relate, or have a story to share, please comment below.  Have you experienced hand pain?  What did you find it related to?  There is a benefit in expressing and exchanging our stories.  Let’s hear it!


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