To Be or Not To Be
The Knees symbolize our willingness to concede or resist life.
- Convey the concept of resistance. One needs to surrender in life, in order to bend and move with fluidity, and also to concede one’s position.
- The act of kneeling — when we pray, we get down on our knees; indicative gesture of humbling oneself to a higher authority.
- Kneeling also signifies a letting go of the ego — an act of humility, without which one becomes stubborn, prideful, inflexible, obstinate, self-righteous.
- Resistance to bend or yield — left knee indicative of moving forward; right knee indicative of judgments of actions taken or not taken in the moving forward process.
- Weak knees — knees tremble from fear, lack of self-esteem, inability to hold one’s position in the world.
- Swollen knees — emotional energy attached to surrendering; unwilling to bend, inability to adapt.
- Inflamed knees — irritation with some person or situation. Indicative of not wanting to give in, bracing for a power struggle.
- Dislocated knees — resistance to bending, collapsing under pressure, buckling under stress of a situation or force stronger than originally perceived. Losing ground, loss of dignity.