Infinite Body Awareness Workshops

What if I told you that there is a way for you to know what is true for you, and that the answers to your most pressing questions are there for you to access and apply? What if I told you that healing is actually very simple and doesn’t require any particular specialist to diagnose who you perceive to be wrong with you? 

Upcoming Events


$  60 Live Workshops | $  50 if 2 or more is purchased

Using Your Body’s Signals to Heal Yourself and Your Life
A series of five workshops designed to help you gain self-mastery and learn specific strategies in order to better connect to and trust your body’s infinite wisdom.
In this series of workshops, you will be introduced to concepts that will enhance your awareness, and build your confidence towards a greater understanding of the signals of your body. Learn to navigate your life with greater ease so you can transform old patterns into vibrant new ones that better align with your authentic self.

All 5 Workshops Will Help You To:

• Decipher the signs and health symptoms of your body.
• Learn how to enhance and develop your body’s intuition.
• Differentiate between your feelings and emotions.
• Create a more intimate and trusting connection with your body.
• Learn how to recognize old conditioned patterns, and shift into new behavior patterns.

Introducing The Five “Gifts”

Each 90-minute class focuses on one of the “gifts” of Dr. Chad Sato’s “Tree of Life” concept: The Acorn, The Onion, The Watermelon, The Apple and The Peach. Each gift focuses on an important area of one’s life, such as life purpose, conditioned patterns, distinguishing between feelings versus emotions, health ailments as they relate to your mental and emotional state, and more.

The Workshops:

All classes are designed to stand-alone, and even taking just one class will yield great benefits. However, by taking the series of classes, the information will not only build upon itself, but will serve to reinforce your ability to stay true to yourself and live more authentically.

This class will help you to differentiate between your feelings and your emotions. Learn a strategy to help you develop your body’s intuition and true feelings versus allowing your emotions to control you. Recognize when your actions are based on emotions, and develop the ability to pause and make a conscious choice instead of impulsively reacting.
This class will help you to gain insight into who you really are. The strategies offered in this class are designed for you to discover your life’s purpose and to learn how to honor your authentic self.
This class will help you recognize how your life experiences – both the “good” and the “bad” become layered around you over time. The strategies offered in this class are all about learning how you can work through your conditioned patterns. By understanding how to peel off the layers, you are able to experience your life more in the present.
Body-connecting exercises will be taught to increase your awareness of outdated, conditioned patterns and increase your ability to shift out of these old patterns.
This class offers your mastery towards tuning into your breathing and becoming more present in the now moment. You will learn a strategy that will enable you to understand the energetic connection between parents and their children. This class will also focus on learning how to become ageless and timeless.
This class will assist you in establishing harmony and ease in your body and your life. Learn a strategy whereby you can discover and identify what the health ailments and signs of your body represent.


“The Gift of Me Workshop” offers a defined way to use Dr. Chad’s basic techniques in order to enhance your own healing experience, as well as to help friends and loved ones with theirs.

This newly revamped workshop is designed to give a basic understanding for those who are seeking to understand their innate healing potential. In this workshop you will not only learn how to sense energy that you can beneficially utilize for yourself and others, you will gain a greater trust in your body. You will learn strategies to set your own personal boundaries and be okay with “who you are.” The day will be filled with talks by Dr. Chad, multiple healing/energy exercises and a guided meditation with handouts on material covered.

This Workshop Will Help You To:

• How to feel your own energy and how your energy interacts with another’s energy.
• Body breathing exercises to help develop your intuition and ability to listen to your body’s unique internal rhythms.
• Balancing energy techniques – to sense and create a balanced field of energy around yourself and others.

You Will Learn:

• How to use Ho’o’ponopono and intention to bring harmony into your life.
• New listening skills on how to engage with others physically, energetically, and emotionally in a way that enhances communication and deepens your connection.
• How to find rapport and connect with another person from a space of love and respect.
• Visualizations for grounding and guided meditations for centering

The Three Levels of Spiritual Influence

This beginner workshop, “Gift of ME,” is designed to give a basic understanding for those who are seeking to understand their innate healing potential. In this workshop you will not only learn how to sense energy that you can beneficially utilize for yourself and others, you will gain a greater trust in your body.  You will learn strategies to set your own personal boundaries and be okay with “who you are.”  The day will be filled with talks by Dr. Chad, multiple healing and energy exercises, and a guided meditation with handouts on material covered.
PRICE: $375.00              TIME: 5 Hours
Make a defined connection with your intuition and inner knowing.  Understand further how to deepen understanding yourself using visualization, manual palpation and focused breath.  Learn how to transform tension in your body and use it to free yourself vs. holding on to it within your body. Learn the technique to help others “magically” connect to their breath with a single “tap-tap.” Gain the ability to sense a field of energy around a person and to increase your receptive and defensive awareness.  Experience exercises to open up your compassion and move into a state of forgiveness with others.  Understand the “Four Fields of Spirit” Concept and take your life to a new level immediately!  Gain insight to advanced healing techniques never before shared by Dr. Chad.
PRICE: $495.00   TIME: Day and a half. (8 hours 1st day – 4 hours second)
The Gift of Woof, Meow, Neigh Workshop is designed to first give a basic foundation to individuals who are seeking to understand one’s innate energy and how you can apply this awareness to your beloved pets. You will learn how to connect with their energy and be able to help them work through any health challenges. You will be given guidance and a hands on approach to help your pets connect with the “magic” of healing that resides innately in each living being. The day will be filled with talks by Dr. Chad, multiple healing and energy exercises and practical applications that can be performed on your pets.
PRICE: $395.00    TIME: Two Half Days (4 hours first day + 4 hours the second.) 


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Workshops created to promote company-wide health.

Building stronger employee engagement and delivering higher-value programs that sustainably improves the mental and physical health outcomes to your company.

A higher level of awareness is crucial to both personal and professional success.

The Workshops:

By focusing on engagement, motivation, support, and a lasting healing strategy, this will result in a stronger, healthier, and more productive work force and working environment.

Learning simple guidelines to minimize stress and pain.

As workplace challenges increase, and the ability to adapt to tension and change decreases, stress builds and compounds. As a consequence, aches and pains develop which detract from optimal productivity during the workday.

Through this in depth stress management seminar, you’ll gain insight as to how to understand the signals of your own body, and how to use this body-mind connection to minimize your stress and pain, so it doesn’t show up in the form of headaches, backaches, neck pain, or other health conditions.

Contact us to personally book your company’s Corporate Wellness workshop with Dr. Chad.


Boosting one’s immune system to avoid sickness and ill health.

Learn to take care of your body and become aware of how stresses – work, personal, and perceived stressors can impact your immune system. Identify when your body is going into overwhelm and learn to listen to your body’s signals to prevent colds at inopportune times. Maximize your productivity and maintain proper health during times of intense stress.

Contact us to personally book your company’s Corporate Wellness workshop with Dr. Chad.


©2025 INFINITE BODY AWARENESS, LLC. Site created by Julie Harris Design


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