You are a product of your past experiences. Don’t let your past dictate how you choose to live your...
Archive for category: Informational Articles
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Social Distancing. Really?
, Informational Articles, body-mind, chad, chad sato, chiropractic, chiropractor, coronvirus, covid-19, mind body, physical distancing, social distancing, 0It’s amazing how the term that is so pervasive right now, and is determined as the method to prevent...
Choosing a Path Less Traveled
, Informational Articles, body-mind, chad, chad sato, chiropractor, choice, mind body, robert frost, the road not taken, 0A concept expressed by Robert Frost in his poem, The Road Not Taken, “Two roads diverged in a wood,...
Roses, Roses, Roses
, Informational Articles, black friday, body-mind, chad, chad sato, ego, mind body, smell the roses, thanksgiving, 0The old saying, “Take time to smell the roses,” is so applicable right now as the holiday season is...
Guilt to Gratitude
, Informational Articles, Uncategorized, chad, chad sato, gratitude, guilt, mind body, 0I have been noticing an increased trend in violence, people feeling on the rails, and challenges that are aplenty....
To Allow and Accept
, Informational Articles, accept, allow, chad, chad sato, communication, mind body, relationship, surrender, truth, 0Allowing is a better term for the act of surrendering. A while back at one of my mind body...
Acceptance of What Is
, Informational Articles, acceptance, as good as it gets, body-mind, chad, chad sato, change, habits, jack nicholson, mind body, patterns, 2Knowing that life is in a constant state of flux, many attempt to control their environment, situations, and others....
The new year is off and running. By the time this blog goes out, February will already have started....
The Power of Dis-Ease
, Informational Articles, body-mind, chad, chad sato, choice, disease, fear, health, mind body, perception, 0If you take a look at the word dis-ease, it means that you are not in ease or in...
Trick or Treat
, Informational Articles, body-mind, chad, chad sato, challenges, chiropractic, chiropractor, halloween, health, mind body, trick or treat, 0The old playground rhyme, “Trick or Treat give me something good to eat, if you don’t, I don’t care,...
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