Infinite Body Wisdom
Using Your Body’s Signals to Heal Yourself and Your Life | $14.95
The path to self-realization and self-empowerment begins with reestablishing an intimate connection with one’s own physical body.
This book will show how stress affects you, teaching you how to use the subtle signals of your body to your advantage. If you are ready to take ownership and responsibility of your body, this is the book for you. Infinite Body Wisdom will help you to establish a lifelong bond with the one element in your life you can totally trust – your body!
Infinite Body Awareness App
Learn To Trust and Know Your Body’s Signals | $7.99
The purpose of the Infinite Body Awareness app, is to give people a resource to discover the mind-body correlations to particular health conditions that affect many people today.
The app provides the presenting symptoms of the health conditions, common western medical treatments, the mind-body correlations, and action steps a person can take to address their particular health condition.
Available in both iTunes and Google Play

Infinite Body Awareness
A Simple Guide to the Mind Body Connection | $19.95
The need to create an intimate connection with your body is more essential than ever. This book is a resource that details an array of health conditions with their presenting symptoms, Western treatment methods, the underlying mental-emotional component, complete with action steps you can take to assist in your healing process. If you are ready to take ownership and responsibility of your body, this is the book for you. Infinite Body Awareness will help you to establish an intimate relationship with the one element in your life you can totally trust – your body!