
Bridget has been under care for eight weeks had some huge breakthroughs. She’s done a lot of spiritual, mental, and mind-over-matter work. She realized that although her goal was the body-mind-spirit connection, the last thing she wanted to deal with was her body because she didn’t like her body when she was younger. As she got older, her body seemed even uglier in her mind, because she became very gangly and tall, and just felt awkward in her own body.

In the past year and a half, Bridget’s body has been giving her so much trouble that that’s all she was focusing on. She came in to the office with major scoliosis, but as she’s been getting adjusted, she’s been becoming more upright.

Before getting under care, Bridget was never hungry. Now, she has a big appetite, has been craving more nutritious foods, has more energy, and she’s been cleaning. In the past, she would start cleaning, but because of all the pain, she would have to stop before she was done. Now, she can clean without pain and take breaks intentionally.

She’s also become aware when old patterns come up, and realizes when she makes a mistake, she gets very obsessive over it. She starts to question what she could’ve done, to the point that it can wipe out her whole day.


Bridget was judging how she gets obsessed over making mistakes. She realized when she was younger, she would get scolded if she made a mistake. Her parents would tell her that she can’t do this or can’t do that, and if she did, she would be punished. She carried it with her, her whole life, and it comes out whenever she makes mistakes.

Because she doesn’t want to make mistakes, she always thinks ahead, especially when she was working for two high-powered bosses. We worked on things so she could see how it’s actually been serving her in a positive way, so that she could now embrace it.

She was also judging all the things she did things mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in the past. She was beating herself up, thinking she should’ve started working on her body first. I explained that if she didn’t work on all that other stuff first, when things started coming up with her body, she wouldn’t have the strength and ability to navigate and recognize it. Bridget is in her 60s, and to make a change at that age is very cool.

Everything happens for a reason and is perfect exactly how it is. As soon as Bridget can accept that, a big weight will lift off her.

If you can relate, or have a story to share, please comment below.  Have you experienced hand pain?  What did you find it related to?  There is a benefit in expressing and exchanging our stories.  Let’s hear it!


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