By the time you read this blog, you may have experienced this phenomenon, or know of friends or loved ones that have. I call it “the disruption effect.” Whether it be in the stars, or the energies that have been present since 2024 began, many people have been having their lives or habitual patterns disrupted.

The interesting thing about disruption is that it is neither good or bad. It all depends on how you perceive the changes that are impacting you and your life. Disruption can make you feel unsettled and it can be rather unnerving, but on the flip side, it can help you to shift out of any old, outdated behavior patterns or perceptions. Disruptions can take many forms, from positive events such as the birth of your first child, a promotion, buying your first house, and negative events such as unexpected deaths of loved ones, loss of a job, and having bought a house that ends up being a money pit.

Not only have I witnessed this disruption occurring in my members lives, but I’m even experiencing it personally. The way I have been dealing with disruption is to do my very best to embrace it and ultimately surrender to what is happening, recognizing that I only have a certain amount of control in the situation. I have learned through experience to recognize quicker when I have little to no control over a situation, and it’s futile to try to be in control. So, this is where trust and being able to let go comes into play. Awareness is key, along with being able to tune in to what is aligned with your highest values and what is not. By staying centered in your knowing of what is true for you makes all the difference.

What I have also observed is that when you focus on the bad or negative things that can happen in life, you seem to attract those experiences more often than not. The same goes for things that you fear or worry about happening in the future. Whether it’s a glitch or a divine joke, whatever it is you fear, you eventually manifest into your life to get over and conquer that fear. My recommendation is, instead of worrying and focusing on what may happen, make a conscious effort to focus on what you would like to see and experience in your life. Set a sincere intent, do your best to let go of any expectations, and trust that no matter what happens, you have the resilience and ability to deal with it.

In closing, the reality of life is that good things will happen, and not-so-good things will happen. As much as we desire harmony and ease, disruption is a necessary part of life. If everything was just hunky-dory, at a certain point things would get boring. Hence the disruption effect comes around to mix things up and challenge us to figure out what works and doesn’t work for us. When we get clearer about what our truth is and how we want to live, the disruptive energies eventually dissipate, and you move into a new chapter of your life. Continue to breathe when disruption occurs, and remember, this too shall pass.


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